Awareness among people regarding yoga

            Awareness among people regarding yoga

Yoga is a universal, non-sectarian and secular spiritual formula of life. It concerns expression of divine potentiality hidden within body-mind complex of man. As a science of inner reality, it is a process of awakening for all. Yoga abundantly adds to our physical, pranic and psychic existence from the infinite cosmic counterpart. It is the science of unison of our finite self with cosmic Self. The Gita describes yoga as the art of perfect equanimity. Patanjali said, “Yogaschitta vritti nirodha”, or ‘yoga is the mystery beyond five modifications of mind’ — intellect, emotion, imagination, memory and sleep — which are rooted in spiritual ignorance, or avidya.


The objectives of yoga are physical well-being, prevention and cure of diseases and harmonisation of vital force within body for mental upgradation. It is an excellent tool for human resource management, emotional intelligence and management of stress. It develops virtues from within and elevates quality of living. Those who prefer intellectual Self-inquiry follow jnana yoga while activists follow karma yoga by unattached service to humanity. Others adopt mystic path of devotion, or bhakti yoga, while some follow psychophysical process of raja yoga for regulation of mind and deep meditation. These diverse disciplines are complementary to one another. Yoga promotes universal love and selfless service to humanity rising above all sectarian boundaries discovering grand unity in apparent diversity.
